Kenneth Rubinstein and Asher Rubinstein Will Be Speakers at Asset Protection Conference in Vaduz, Liechtenstein, June 9 and 10, 2011: “Asset Protection In Civil Matters”.
Asher Rubinstein will be speaking on June 9 on the topic of “Asset Protection and Tax Compliance: Are they Compatible or Mutually Exclusive?”
Asher will address the following issues:
- Can asset protection rely on secrecy?
- Issues of control of assets, ownership and tax disclosure;
- The need for tax compliance: recent government attacks against offshore structures;
- Can one protect assets vis-a-vis creditors and still be tax compliant?
Kenneth Rubinstein will be speaking on June 10 on the topic of “Civil Contempt – The Next Threat to Asset Protection”.
Ken’s talk will include the following issues:
- “Bad facts make bad law”, but do “good facts” make good law?
- A discussion of the relevant case law, including Anderson, Lawrence, Grant, etc.
- The issue of control over the assets
- The defense of “impossibility” and self-created impossibility
- The solution to self-created impossibility – the Antigua statute
Additional details and a program for the conference, “Asset Protection in Civil Matters” can be found here.
Please contact us with any questions.