Recent Media Appearances for Rubinstein & Rubinstein
Ken Rubinstein’s article, I’m Not that Kind of Country , will be published in the July/August 2009 edition of the Journal of Taxation and Regulation of Financial Institutions. This article discusses Senator Levin’s proposed anti-tax haven legislation, the “Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act” (S. 506). Shortly after the Levin bill was announced, Senator Baucus and President Obama presented alternative legislation. Ken’s article discusses the future of offshore jurisdictions amidst the pending legislation.
Asher Rubinstein’s article New Switzerland-U.S. Tax Treaty Further Erodes Offshore Banking Secrecy; Questions Remain, but Disclosure Is Prudent was published in the July 29, 2009 edition of WorldWide Tax Daily . It will also be published in the July 6, 2009 edition of Tax Notes International. Asher’s article discusses the recent tax information agreement between Switzerland and the U.S., the IRS legal initiative against UBS, and tax compliance for offshore accounts, including the IRS Voluntary Disclosure Program and FBAR reporting.
On June 25, 2009, Asher Rubinstein once again was a guest on Pimm Fox’s show, Taking Stock, on Bloomberg television. Asher discussed offshore banking, tax compliance and the continuing crackdown against non-compliant offshore accounts.
In addition, we’ve recently been interviewed and quoted in many publications, including: Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal and London Times.
For copies of these articles and media appearances, please contact us.