Asher Rubinstein would like to invite you to an important event at JP Morgan in New York, “Cybersecurity: Protecting Yourself and Your Assets”. Asher will be hosting the event along with his JP Morgan colleague, Justin Dembo.
Cybercrime and identity theft have become headline news and cost consumers and private industry billions of dollars every year. This conversation will focus on best practices, and we will discuss cyber trends and what you can do to protect yourself, your family and your office against the ever-evolving threats of cybercrime. Attendees are encouraged to bring smartphones or other mobile devices to fully engage in this interactive discussion.
The event is February 7 from 6pm-7:30pm at JP Morgan Global Headquarters, 270 Park Avenue, 50th Floor. Please see the attached invitation Cyber Security Invite for more details. Contact us with any questions, or to RSVP.